Then, who says KH says management of the key, and therefore management of the male orgasm. Many CMC testimonials indicate that women have difficulty dealing with this. Often the blockage is not knowing what to do when the cage is in place and when it is removed. But it can be learned!

The idea for the CMC comes from your spouse and you do not quite understand this desire to lock up his organ. Once in the cage, he seems lost in his head, and your reflex is to free him. You must then program yourself to become a ruthless KH with him.
I would tell you to go there in a very simple way, without asking yourself too many questions and to follow the basic recipe that I give you. Over time, reading, observing changes in your spouse's behavior, your discussions, you will be able to evolve like KH and make certain choices more suited to your reality.
So your spouse comes with a chastity cage. He asks you to be his KH.
Do not panic, here is how to react in four steps.
First step: Let him try the chastity cage on his own for a month. It's like a new pair of shoes that hurts and has to be broken. During this first month, refuse the key, the role of KH, cunnilingus and all the rest. It's too early. Let him sleep with it if he wants. But make it clear that you don't want to deal with this just yet. A month may seem like a long time, but no. It will give you time to read up on the subject. And him to get used to carrying the cage.
Second step: Tell him that you finally agree to be KH for the challenge of a weekend, a 48 hours. Take an interest in setting up the cage, but let him handle it. But it's up to you to close the padlock. As a result, he will most certainly have an erection and it will be difficult to put everything together. Take your time. This is the effect of novelty!
Most likely he will offer you cunnilingus or demand a ruined orgasm within the first few hours the cage is in place. Just tell him no. Don't show him too much interest in the chastity cage. Forget it, don't think about it anymore! Make it clear to him that you will leave him the key at the end of the 48 hours and he can satisfy himself.
If he changes his mind and asks you to remove the cage because of pain, refuse. You answer briefly: “You wanted it, you endure it! At the end of the 48 hours, you give him the key and let him remove the cage by himself. He will have to satisfy himself.
Wait a few days or weeks before moving on to the next step. You must feel ready. You can repeat the second step several times if necessary.
Third step: Surprise him, a surprise! Impose the cage and keep the key for another 48 hours. Ask her for a massage, a meal at a restaurant, flowers, all the things that really make you happy. Be a cuddler, ask for hugs. Be selfish, forget his pleasure, refuse to listen to his demands. Ask him to accompany you to go shopping. Parade in front of him, a section of enticing dresses, women's underwear or swimsuits. Use your charm. Your objective is to make it completely goofy. Crazy for You!
Cunnilingus is highly recommended at this stage and you must express how you like it. Or you can also choose to masturbate next to him if you prefer. And be super selfish about your pleasure! Refuse all his requests. Refuse penetration. Nothing for him! He must feel this frustration overwhelm him. If he comes back too often for his pleasure, you answer with conviction: “No, this weekend is just me! »
If he complains of pain, be completely indifferent.
At the end of the 48 hours, you still give him the key and he will still have to satisfy himself.
Fourth step: The 48 hours are over! Often we do not know what to do at this time. Too many possibilities, full of expectations, a lot of awkwardness.
Do not ask yourself too many questions and go with the classic scenario very simple, very fast. You remove the cage yourself, he cleans quickly, he masturbates in front of you, then you take his cock with your hands to finish the job and as soon as he arrives to cum, you let go. You can also keep your thumb and index finger curled at the base of his penis near the scrotum. He must ejaculate, but without stimulation of the glans penis. The ideal is to do it standing up, in the bathroom, and let it ejaculate on the floor.
You have just ruined an orgasm for the first time, which makes you a mischievous KH. Smile, without remorse! Smarter still, you ask him to clean everything and put his chastity cage back on for 6 to 12 hours.
A chastity cage is difficult to put back on immediately after orgasm. Wait a 10 to 15 minutes. Most likely he will never have put the cage back on so quickly after an orgasm. You will notice that all the interest for the CMC is no longer there, under the inevitable and powerful effect of prolactin.
The result!
The result is that in a few steps you will have explored controlling her sexuality, refused penetration, used your charm to turn her gaze on you, achieved one-way pleasure and created positive frustration with a ruined orgasm and comeback. caged fast. Once you have completed these four steps, you will need to open the dialog on the CMC to indicate your preferences.
If you liked all this, that you liked dominating, ruining an orgasm, you can choose to go for the classic CMC. You are a born KH!
Otherwise, the reasoned CMC gives you the possibility to choose what you like the most and remove the rest.
You will also have to learn some very directive key phrases to assert your full role as KH and survive the 48 hours.
"You won't last two days!" »
"No, now it's me who decides when you can take it off, I'm your KH!" »
“You wanted it, you endure it! »
“No, this weekend is just me! »
“I didn’t promise you anything! »
"It wasn't the best cunnilingus, you'll have to do better next time!" »
"I wish you would give me flowers more often!" »
"Put the cage back on now!" »
“I would love to see this movie with you tonight! We are going to stick-stick! »
" Slower! Yes, that's perfect! »
“Do you see this key? »
“Warm me up! »
“No, no penetration! »
“I will decide tomorrow! »
“Don’t insist anymore otherwise it will be for a week! »